Same text in different layouts

I want the same text i different layouts and when I change text i one layout it´s automatically change in the other layouts.


  • Use the custom section of the DWGPROPS to add KEY=VALUE records in an attribute tag/string fashion. Then use FIELDS in annotations (text, mtext, etc) and reference the KEY. Put this field as many places as desired then when the value changes you change it in the DWGPROPS dialog and all the references update on drawing open, regenall, etc.
  • Another if its an attribute then can change in one layout and search all the others layouts and replace its not a automatic function but uses a lisp.
  • Use the custom section of the DWGPROPS to add KEY=VALUE records in an attribute tag/string fashion. Then use FIELDS in annotations (text, mtext, etc) and reference the KEY. Put this field as many places as desired then when the value changes you change it in the DWGPROPS dialog and all the references update on drawing open, regenall, etc.

  • ALANH said:

    Another if its an attribute then can change in one layout and search all the others layouts and replace its not a automatic function but uses a lisp.

  • ALANH said:

    ... not a automatic function but uses a lisp.

    Why would you use that when the fields are built-in, work automatically, have an interface for changes, no lisp to keep track of, and it would even work on anyone else's machine when you give them the drawing.
  • Yeah, DWGPROPS and Fields is a pretty powerful combination. You can write lisp scrips to save/import DWGPROPS to a file so they can be transferred to other drawings.

    I used that for lots of things, automatically filling out title blocks with job information, material specs, etc..
  • Joe Dunfee
    edited March 2024
    Another approach is to make the text a block, which is inserted in each layout. Editing the block in one layout will cause the other instances to change.

    I like this approach because it is easier for users to understand. The understanding of things, like drawing properties and fields, require the user to have a more advanced knowledge of the program. Though, of course, the decision will be driven by your own circumstances. If you do use things like properties and fields, it is helpful to have a department handbook that describes this. This is because Properties are sort-of hidden. You have to go looking for them to know they are there.