No option to deactivate V23 license

I can deactivate my V24 license but I've been working with V23 until they get some things ironed out. My issue is I'm getting a new pc so I have to switch my V23 license over. Can anyone shed some light on this?


  • AFAIK,
    V24 is your current license and replaces all previous licenses.
    This will also run all previous Bricscad Versions.
    Your current activation is tied to your PC.

    But AFAIK you get two activations.
    E.g. one for your PC and one your Laptop.
    (I have activated Bricscad on my Mac and the PC)
    You are allowed to use one activation at a time.

    This means if you so far have only installed/activated Bricscad on a single machine,
    there is no need to deactivate that activation.
    You can order your new machine and set it up, install Bricscad and activate it a
    second time. Test your machine until it is really ready for work/switch.
    Then deactivate Bricscad activation on the old machine.

    It is not that important which Bricscad Version you want to use.
    Use your most recent License Key to activate.
    I doubt this is the case, but if you want to only install V23 on the new machine
    and it would not accept the V24 license key (I never tried that),
    just also install V24, activate that, ignore it and use V23.
  • For the record my V24 license activated V23 on my new pc no problem.
  • Great.