Hi Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out regarding some challenges I encountered while working with the following functions:

Acad::ErrorStatus addSSgetFilterInputContextReactor(AcApDocument*, AcEdSSGetSubSelectFilter*);
Acad::ErrorStatus acedGetFullSubentPathsForCurrentSelection(const AcDbObjectId&, AcDbFullSubentPathArray&);
I am uncertain whether I may have overlooked any necessary libraries or if these functions have not been implemented yet. I want to get the recently selected subentity, but those important functions throw a link error.

Your insights and guidance on resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,
Hi William, you might try the global acedSSNameX() or AcEdSelectionSetService::ssNameSubentities(), to see if those meet your needs.