csv or txt import gps data in Bricscad


I have received a sample file from a GPS measuring company, which I would like to import into Bricscad. I can't find a good example in Bricscad Ultimate or on YouTube to work this out.
Who can help me with this?
The follow-up to this is of course a larger file with multiple points.
Can anyone help me with a lisp for this? Or should I buy an app for this?


  • aridzv
    edited March 2024
    There are several ways - I will refer to 2 of them:
    I assume that you know how to use the civil explorer and it's "import point from file".

    1. open the txt file in excel and with find&replace replace all the ",," to "," then save the file and import it as "PENZ" (comma delimited) format and replace the first column in that format from "number" to "name". that because the values in your first column is a string and not pure numbers.
    2. create new comma delimited format with 5 columns ("name" "skip" "Easting" "Northing" "Elevation") - the "skip"
    will deal with the "Extra" comma - see attached screenshot.

    hope it helps...

  • Have a look at Lee-mac import points lisp. For us that do not have civil.

    Just open in Excel and use =Concatenate to make a column with rows
    point x,y,z
    then just copy the column and paste to the command line.
  • I opened the Civil Explorer
    then select Point
    right click: create
    then: selected file "test gps.txt

    but the "ok" button is not selectable

  • JanJaap
    edited March 2024
    Where can I find: Manage Point File formats"?
    Already found.
    Is it possible to set a standard symbol (cirkel with plus)?
    But is it also possible to make a general setting and save.
    I expect that when this goes well, more files will follow
  • aridzv
    edited March 2024
    click the 3-Dots (see attached screenshot),
    edit the the point file format (as I explained above) and import.