Can't "push-pull" in seemingly simple case

I'm currently running a test in architectural modelling. The big "walls" are polysolid, the red one on top was made by union-ing a copy of that polysolid and slicing it. Now, I can't use the DMPUSHPULL to change the height of that red solid. Mousing over don't 'activate' faces to perform the operation. Any help ?

Version 23.2.03 FR (Windows).
See screenshot and included file.


  • No problem for me here .....

  • Works for me too in V24, are you pressing Ctrl (on a Windows PC) when hovering over the face?
  • OK, thanks to both of you, I've been mislead by the different behaviour of face selection in "2D" and "3D" interface modes. Time to change that once for all, I think.