Push pull not working on hidden faces - any workspace

Hi community,

I need help. I have two laptops. In one, when I click "tab" towards a hidden face, the push/pull command appears. On the other, the push/pull command doesn't appear, so I can't edit hidden faces, even with a face on in selection mode (as per image). I've gone through each line on both computer settings command, but it doesn't appear extrude-push-pull and other 3d modelling tools.

Any variable I've mistakenly turned off? Any .ccf file?

Thanks for your help.


  • As much as I try, I can't reproduce that behavior.
    I also switched all Selection Modes on (Edge,Face, Boundary, Display ..)

    BIM Workspace corruption ?

    Are both Academic Licenses ?
    Same Bricscad Version ?
    Same File ?
    Any hardware differences like for GPU (*) ?

    Somehow it does not recognize that Back Face as a Face in you case
    as the Quad says "3D Solid", instead of "Solid Face"

    But when I hold CMD/CTRL for temporary Solid Selection I still get completely
    different QUAD entries than on your screenshot.

    I also remember not having shown the familiar suitable tools in QUAD
    with early V24.2s very few times.

    I think that is a task for the support.

  • "But when I hold CMD/CTRL for temporary Solid Selection I still get completely
    different QUAD entries than on your screenshot."

    May be because AI now complcates what Quad shows - different for different users.
  • I am not sure if it is already AI infiltrated (?)
    But I think Quad content still gets rearranged with every .x version.
  • Hello.

    I also couldn't reproduce the issue.

    The Push/Pull tool should be in the Model menu of the Quad, it is not necesarilly listed in the most recent tools.

    If the issue occurs with every solid face, then there could be something wrong with the Quad settings.
    You could try to create a new user profile or copy the profile from the computer that works as desired.

    Alternatively, you could try to create a new tool using the DMPUSHPULL command.
    Then, edit the Quad settings and add the new tool to the Model(BIM) toolset.
    Finally, adjust the filter to only work with OBJECT_3DSOLID_FACE entities.