Can be crosshair size be more than 100?
1. Print Setting > Only PDF Locked Option
2. Croshair Size is also not goes over 100
Our customer is facing these issues on MAC issues
2. Croshair Size is also not goes over 100
Our customer is facing these issues on MAC issues
Mac Version is Sonoma 14.4.1
Bricscad version is: V230 -
This is a known issue that CURSORSIZE >10 doesn't work on Mac, if CROSSHAIRDRAWMODE has some value exept 3. It's nesessary to set CROSSHAIRDRAWMODE=3 to resolve this.0
I think I don't really understand.
AFAIK crosshair size is in percent.
So 100% is full screen cursor.
In the past that did not work on Mac though.
If you set crosshair size larger than 14 % (?) the crosshair just
disappeared. That was fixed lately. But I think that was with V24.0 -
As I know, if CROSSHAIRDRAWMODE=0 and CURSORSIZE >10, crosshair size remains at the same size as CURSORSIZE=10. If CROSSHAIRDRAWMODE=1 - the cursor disappears. Also 2D Graphic System Device RedOpenGL or OpenGL could have different effect. But it must work as expected if CROSSHAIRDRAWMODE=3.0