Can be crosshair size be more than 100?

1. Print Setting > Only PDF Locked Option
2. Croshair Size is also not goes over 100

Our customer is facing these issues on MAC issues


  • Mac Version is Sonoma 14.4.1
    Bricscad version is: V23
  • This is a known issue that CURSORSIZE >10 doesn't work on Mac, if CROSSHAIRDRAWMODE has some value exept 3. It's nesessary to set CROSSHAIRDRAWMODE=3 to resolve this.
  • I think I don't really understand.
    AFAIK crosshair size is in percent.
    So 100% is full screen cursor.

    In the past that did not work on Mac though.
    If you set crosshair size larger than 14 % (?) the crosshair just
    disappeared. That was fixed lately. But I think that was with V24.
  • As I know, if CROSSHAIRDRAWMODE=0 and CURSORSIZE >10, crosshair size remains at the same size as CURSORSIZE=10. If CROSSHAIRDRAWMODE=1 - the cursor disappears. Also 2D Graphic System Device RedOpenGL or OpenGL could have different effect. But it must work as expected if CROSSHAIRDRAWMODE=3.