Fraction Spacing Issue?

I am having an issue with number spacing with dimensional fractions.
In the image attached I show the issue. I need to find a way to add space between the whole number and the fractional number (the "1" and the "13/32")
I tested this out with a different font to see if it was a font issue, but ran into the same issue.
Anybody experience this?


  • Hello.

    I couldn't find a setting to add space between the whole number and the fraction.

    Using a different font might help to some extent, if the tracking property is larger, so to leave more space between letters.

    Something else that could help would be to set a different height for the fraction text.
    This setting is "Tolerance text height" (DIMTFAC) and can be found in the Tolerances section of the Dimension Style dialog.
    It seems to work best with the Diagonal setting of the Fractional type.
  • I think the issue is with the code. When you manually enter a unit with a fraction, there is typically a space between the whole unit and the fraction. In this scenario, Bricscad is leaving out the space.
    1 spacebar 1/2" (how you normally enter this value)
    11/2" (how Bricscad is entering this value.)

    I really feel it is a bug / oversight in the programming.

    Any comments from the Bricscad staff?

    Thank you,

  • goodonline
    edited April 2024
    For the DIMTFAC to be considered, it appears I need to enable "Tolerance Display"?
    Am I hitting this from the right angle?

    After some tinkering I can see how DIMTFAC works. Unfortunately it does not help with the visual constipation between the whole number and the fraction

  • It seems o.k. with the fonts I use. Did you try any of these?

  • As someone who started in fractions, metricated since seventy-something, it now does my head in just to look at 17/32's! Poor Americans - have to speak 'English' and use 'Imperial' system, and get worse miles per gallon because the gallons are smaller!
  • You may have to edit the dim text via a lisp by over riding the default measurement. Adding a space. I work metric also so much easier.
  • Thank you all for your responses.