Incomplete AcString helper functions?

Been trying to use some function from AcString class.

This one for example,
AcDbHandle asAcDbHandle (int=kParseDefault) const

VS is refusing to compile, and showing this linker error. although I can use other functions from the same class and compile without problems.

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: class AcDbHandle __cdecl AcString::asAcDbHandle(int)const " (__imp_?asAcDbHandle@AcString@@QEBA?AVAcDbHandle@@H@Z) referenced in function "protected: int __cdecl

I tried referencing all libraries from the sdk and I including all possible header files.

Have anyone encountered this before?


  • BRX is a bit behind. You will need to report the missing function(s) as a support request
    Then find a work-around

    AcDbHandle(const ACHAR*)
    bool getIntoAsciiBuffer(ACHAR* pBuf, size_t nBufLen) const;// enum {kStrSiz = 17};