Status Bar Freezes After Running Custom Macros and LISPs
The status bar freezes when customization is introduced in the form of a partial CUI or LISP and macros are run
Resolution efforts so far:
Disabled/Removed the following:
STEP A. Custom Support File Paths
STEP B. In Custom on_start.lsp file:
Iteration 1: Commented out sys vars
Iteration 2: Commented out autoload statements
STEP C. Unloaded one Custom Partial CUI file. (included two custom button macros)
STEP D. Uninstalled per BricsCAD Help instructions for Windows OS:
Renamed existing installation's two application folders - appended filenames with "…..OLD".
Fresh Installation
STEP E. Installed latest version.
STEP F. Per post on this forum:
Created a new profile
Reset CUI to defaults
STEP G. Repeated STEPS A through C.
STEP H. Worked on a DWG file copy on both the cloud and a copy saved locally containing the same content.
Status bar freezes after running all customized LISPs and/or macros.
Your suggestions or similar experiences are welcome.