MTEXT formatting toolbar disabled

edited May 2024 in Moving from A-CAD

Hi, I'm quite new to BricksCAD but have used AutoCAD earlier.

I have a problem when I'm trying to edit Mtexts. If I enable MTEXT Formatting toolbar in SETTINGS, I get: "Error occurred in mtext editor: Invalid index" when I try to edit a text. If I try to insert a new MTEXT I'm asked to specify the box, but then I get:
"Error occurred in mtext editor: Invalid index
Create failed". I have no MTEXT editor specified.

If I disable the formatting toolbar in SETTINGS everything works OK. No toolbar though…

IT department have no clue, as usual with the technical software

Now I'm using V24, but earlier I had V23 (or V22, or V21) with the same problem.

Any suggestions?
