Change the color of the layout zone that is outside the paper space zone

Hi all

I know how to change the background color of model and paper space

but how to change the color of the layout zone that is outside the paper space zone ?



  • Hi, there is no such possibility in BricsCAD.

  • Hello,

    To change the layout color you can go to Settings > Paper space background color and change it as you wish and Settings > Paper background to set if you want to display a paper sheet in paper space or not.

  • johngod
    edited June 10

    Thank you for your answer, maybe they will added some day in the future

  • johngod
    edited June 10

    Thank you, I want a paper sheet, I can modify this color, it is default white I changed it to black. What I would like to achive is to change the default grey color of the zone outside the sheet, I find this grey to be too bright, I would like a darker grey. I had a previous license of progecad, where this change could be done.

  • Would it help to make that outer zone black, or whatever dark gray you use for the paper background? If you turn off "Paper background" and turn on "Printable area," the entire background is the same color, and a white dashed-line rectangle shows the size of the paper. It's actually showing the printable area, but for virtual printers such as "Print As PDF," that's the same as the paper size.

  • Actually it does help, I find this solution more comfortable to my eyes, thanks. 👍️👍️👍️