Questions in regard to BricsCAD, and oddities i've encountered


I'm relatively new to BricsCAD, having only used Autodesk Inventor previously.

a big issue i've been having is evaluating a predecessors Assembly, experience extremely slow loading times, 15+ minutes. is there any easy way to reduce the load? i've attempted to just convert the entire thing into a 'block' so it doesnt have the predecessors long loading time.

- However the load time of trying to do section cuts in a 2D layout of it, is even slower.

any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

Beyond this, i have encountered a rather infuriating issue, as i've finished making my own assembly, when i return to continue and verify everything is as it ought to be, only to see several parts having been replaced by white text with a filepath description instead, and no idea why.

Has anyone else experienced issues when importing 'blocks' where they aren't representing their actual block, in this i had a few standard bolts that were suddenly unalligned when imported to the assembly, the only fix i found was to import it first, and it seemed to resolve it, but i cant really fathom why.

Also is there anyway to actually constrain arrays? as i've noticed the constraints disappear whenever an array is made, and become unconstrainable, which i imagine would be a good way to reduce the load on BricsCAD?

thank you for reading my ramblings. and advice is greatly appreciated in advance

Thank you very much in advance.


  • Hello.

    Regarding the load time.
    This mostly depends on:

    • How large is the drawing - how many entities are.
    • How complex the entities are.
    • Whether the the entities contain definition errors - ACIS geometric kernel is very sensitive to errors.

    Regarding 2D views and sections.
    The factors mentioned above also have an influence on the time span needed to generate 2D views.

    Regarding replacing models with file paths.
    It seems that some models are inserted as external references.
    The file paths are displayed when a reference cannot be found.
    You could use the Attachments panel to fix these issues.
    Also, it might be useful to use relative paths when working with XREFs.
    This way, when a multi-file project is moved to a different location, tha paths will still be valid.

    Regarding importing blocks.
    This might be related to how different imported drawings are made and what block naming and definitions they use.
    If a drawing containing a block b1 is inserted in an assembly drawing, the block b1 is added to the block definitions in the assembly drawing.
    When a second drawing is inserted, also containing a b1 block definition, the new b1 difinition is replaced with the existing one, so not to change the existing entities - in a drawing, there can't be two block definitions with the same name.
    If the new b1 definition is not the same as the old one, then the differences will be visible in the newly inserted entities containing the b1 block.
    So, before inserting a new drawing, it would be useful to check what block definitions it contains and if there are naming and definition conflicts with already existing block definitions.