ExportGIS using sendcommand

Does anyone know how I can export a number of GIS layers to separate .shp files using "GISEXPORT "sendcommand" without the dialog box opening? I've tried setting filedia to 0, but that didn't work.

Dim dataArry(0) As Object
dataArry(0) = "GISEXPORT " & "P " & " " & fiName & " "
doc.AcadDocument.GetType().InvokeMember("SendCommand", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, doc.AcadDocument, dataArry)
Application.SetSystemVariable("FILEDIA", 1)

My intentions are that a single click will create the .shp files for the various GIS layers with minimal input from the user, other than specifying a prefix for the files.

prefix: 105682

shape files created:

105862_Sewer Mains, 105862_Sewer Pits, 105862_Lot Connections etc.

Thanks Dan


  • Once a dialog pops up you can not supply data via lisp. If there was a -GISEXPORT available that would be a command driven version.

    Maybe ask support for help under lisp, filedia 0, (command "GISEXPORT" filename) stops at file name. Tried Vl-cmdf and send command.