using BMLINK in REFEDIT mode

I use associative arrays often. I keep the associativity on, so I can edit the source object. However in editing the object there are some limits using holes. I cannot add them from the library, and if I copy the existing ones instead, they are not affecting the main entity. I tried to use BMLINK to make th whole but it is also deactivated in REFEDIT mode.

What can I do to fix such things? are there better ways to make changes to some element and make it happen to all other instances?

Thanks for the help!


  • I experienced the same limitation. I used the following workaroud: link the hole to the target solid outside of the array source, copy them and paste them when editing the source of the array.

  • Hello.

    You could experiment, if possible, with inserting the source as external reference.
    Then, after editing the source, this one should be reloaded in the main drawing.