DRAWORDERBYLAYER not functioning properly

HI @ all,

we are using DRAWORDERBYLAYER since months very successful.
Now we have one computer on which it sometimes does not reorder by layers.
We think we always do the same steps.
The drawing has a size of 13 MB, it has 170872 entities and 118 layers, which are all listed in the LST-file.
We do not have XRefs.
None of the Layers are hidden, frozen or locked.
PURGE was executed several times.
The BC-version is 24.2.04
Does anyone have any suggestion?

Best regards



  • Hello.

    If the same procedure works well when applied to the same file on a different computer, then the issue might be related to the Bricscad installation where the procedure fails.
    In this case, a clean install could be the solution.

    Otherwise, the issue might be related to some particularities of the file - maybe the layer names contain some special characters.
    In this case, creating a support request would be useful, so that the issue can be investigated more in-depth.


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