Importing DWG/vector maps

Hi all, I'm newish to Bricscad and I've been importing snips of maps and then drawing on top of them to add designs to them. This is a clunky method, and aside from buying individual cad maps from third party companies, is there a way to use an application like QGIS to import vector maps via like OS Maps? I'm at a blank, any advice welcome


  • Don't they want you to pay copyright? got it tied up pretty tight - so at your own risk!

  • Are the maps like State or Local government maps ? They often have something but yes will probably have to pay.

    I worked for a local Authority so did have direct access to maps and they included underground service access, relevant to the authority. Here in AUS we have "Dial before you dig " and they supply services maps free for small areas.

  • We have a similar thing here, I'm just trying to figure out a proposal if that is THE way to do it or I'm missing something obvious.