Relative paths errors fixed by LISP?

So if I have a DWG on C:\PROJECTS\CLIENT and then I add a couple PDFS. One from C:\PROJECTS\CLIENT\PDFS and another from our cloud P:\PROJECTS\CLIENT\PDFS, it will complain that it can't make the 2nd addition as a RELATIVE PATH. How illogical is that?

Anyhow. I manage via a LISP function to change the path to relative. Anything worry about in that manner? Bricscad v20 btw, but it shows the PDF just fine. Says it is found on P: drive and the other found on C: … seems to work, and maybe I don't understand why the software would put up that blocking of different drive letters being able to do relative paths


  • Hello.

    Relative paths only make sense for files located on the same drive (same letter) as the main file.
    This feature is useful for cases when a certain folder structure is moved to another location.

    For files located on a drive other the main file, the path can only be absolute, as it is saved inside the main drawing as a full path, starting with the drive letter.

    This happened also in your testing, the path was saved as starting with P:.
    This is, in fact, an absolute path, even if you managed to use lisp and set it as relative.

    A safer way of working seems to be to let it as absolute, as it really is.