Add Entity to Existing group -> Menu macro
We want to speed up this Process by a menu Macro or LISP Macro.
- Open Group Menu
- "F"ind Groups by entity
- Select Group in Modelspace
- "O"k in the next menu, Select (Sub)groups
- "A"dd enities to group in Modelspace
Only 3 and 5 should be done by the user the other steps should run by the macro.
In theory it should be easily done by a menu macro and accessing the menu Items
It seems that the menu macro is paused during the Group Window is openend, at least the command line is. I tried to use ' but i can't get the to run this macro in window
After closing the Window command line Shows this:
Unable to recognize command in menu.F
ant it opens the "fillet" console command.
the commandline Version of group doesn't support find group by enitity.
We will have a lot of groups in our Projects. We are Working with CADworx Plant suite, and Structure Part generates a lot of groups (see in Screenshot). The Groups we want to generate are f.e. the name of an Equipment X00-KY01-HT00 .
Getting the Group name into a Lisp Command by selecting it on the screen would be another ay, but i don't know how.
Would be great to get some Feedback.
Regards Christian
Using macro shortcuts to emulate clicks on the interface seems not to work - not any item from the interface supports macros, maybe only menus.
One approach could be, indeed, to use a lisp script.
Here are some steps that could be included in this approach:- Check for groups in the drawing.
- If there are any, select an entity in a group.
- Cycle through groups for the selected entity.
- If there is no group containing the entity, the procedure stops.
- If there is a group containing the entity, its name is found and the command -GROUP is run with the option _A and passing the group name.
- At this stage -GROUP is running, expecting the user to make a selection.
- Further, the workflow is just as with the -GROUP command.
For reference, I post an idea about how this script could look like.
I tested it only with a very basic drawing.
To be used further, some significantly changes might be needed.To test the script, save it as a lsp file, then use APPLOAD to load it, then use the AddToGroup command.
(defun c:AddToGroup (
app doc grps cnt_grps
i j g cnt_g obj
(setq app (vlax-get-acad-object)
doc (vla-get-activedocument app)
grps (vla-get-groups doc)
(setq cnt_grps (vla-get-count grps)
i 0
(if (> cnt_grps 0)
; select entity in group
(setq ent (entsel "\nSelect entity in group: "))
(if ent
(setq ent_n (car ent)
found nil
(while (and
(not found)
(< i cnt_grps)
; get the group
(setq g (vla-item grps i)
g_n (vla-get-name g)
cnt_g (vla-get-count g) ; count items in group
j 0 ; index to cycle through group
(while (and
(not found)
(< j cnt_g)
; the entity in group
(setq obj (vla-item g j)
obj_n (vlax-vla-object->ename obj)
(if (eq ent_n obj_n)
(setq found T
gname g_n
(setq j (1+ j))
(setq i (1+ i))
) ; while
(if found
(command "_-group" "_a" gname)
) ; if ent
) ; if groups found
)0 -
It may not be what you are after but there is a free routine from Dotsoft (Group Manager) that makes working with groups a bit easier.
0 -
Just a comment in a lot of commands using lisp as above add the "-" to the start of the command its not applicable to all, but to a lot of common commands. -layer, -insert etc Just try typing the command with the "-" in front, write down the responses needed for the lisp to work.