First steps with Parametric Blocks - how to constrain flipping line and the center of arc?

Goodday all,

I'm making my first (tiny) steps with Parametric Blocks. Viewed the Bricsys tutorials and some other tutorials on the web for starters.

What I want to try to create is a Paramatric door block that I can stretch and flip in 2 directions. So far I've succeeded in creating the flipping and stretching parameters. I've also created a linear constraint that keeps a doorline in the middle.
However, for now I have to questions that you maybe can help me with:

  • is it possible to constrain a flipping line? I would like to constrain the flipping line to the center of the free door-width. Can that be done in a way? Or can only entities be keept in the middle of the door-width?
  • how can I tell an arc that also resizes with the stretch that it's centerpoint needs to be fixed?

Thank you very much in advance for thinking with me!


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  • I've figured out a solution to the second question by parametricscaling the door-swing arc and line instead of constraining them. That works perfect.
    For now only the question about the possibilty of constraining the flipping line to the center of the door-opening remains.

  • It is now about 30 years ago did 3d house plans using lisp's, so I just comment do you really need to work at the middle of the door rather than at a L or R edge. Sorry image has windows only but same idea the door edge is measured from say a corner etc.

  • Reason for the wish to flip around the center of the door-opening is that otherwise I have to move the door again after flipping to keep it in the same place.

  • Solved the first question also. My solution to the question was to design a double stretch-operation (left and right from the center) that both are the half-value of a Linear constraint 'door-width'. Also the scale-operation is divided by 2.

    The only question I have now: is it possible to change the insertion point of a Parametric-designed block?

  • There are some other dynamic blocks out there for doors saw one yesterday on a forum, not sure it used a hinge side parameter, they may help to work out what you want.

  • In the past I watched an older Video about creating Windows for insertion.
    Not sure if the Bricscad Insertion Objects have been or are now "Parametric Blocks"

    AFAIK the (default) insertion center (lower left corner) was defined by file origin.

    You could model anything and apply constraints.

  • Yeah, but if I were to change the origin of the parametric block I would have to re-apply all the constraints because they don't move with the modelled objects.


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