Lines (edges) to solid


I got a 3d shape made of individual lines, what's the best way to covert it into a solid ?


  • The solid will need to be remodeled. Create a new solid box with a base in the plane of one of the surfaces of your figure. Drag the vertices of the box to the vertices of the figure you need. To move verteces, select each vertex while holding down CTRL and call DmMove command.

  • Or select the end triangle (as a Region) by setting SelectionMode to Region (one way is to cycle thro the SelectionModes by dabbing on Ctrl, like avc says), and Extrude it.

  • Hello.

    An alternative to the solutions above could be to create surfaces using pairs of opposed edges.
    One way would be to use the RULESURF command.
    The edges should be selected towards the end on the same side, so that the result not to be twisted.

    RULESURF will generate faces as Poligon Meshes.
    After generating all faces, use CONVTOSURFACE and convert all meshes to surfaces.
    Finally, use DMSTITCH to join the surfaces into a 3D Solid.

  • use CONVTOSURFACE and convert all meshes to surfaces.
    Finally, use DMSTITCH to join the surfaces into a 3D Solid.

    Oh, wasn't aware that this works.

    I usually fight with failed Solids that came in as loose 3D Faces.
    Which force the usual tedious procedure with separation and "converting"
    to (create) Regions - before finally stitching.
    (which is basically not an conversion command but a create Command
    which unfortunately risks to lose object's Layer assignment if you don't
    care about your current active Layer !)

    I do not know any better Solution beside converting/creating Regions
    for lose 3D Faces.
    But sometimes I get also Surface Objects in.
    (I think in cases where they were not exported already as loose 3D Faces
    but as Solids, which had flaws as true Solid and therefore got Surface Object)

    I am pretty sure I was not able to Explode and then DMSTITCH these separate
    Surfaces directly so also went the tedious error prone Regions workaround.

    Thank god DMSTICH got much better with recognizing touching Objects
    that have touching, coplanar Faces and is now able to stitch them anyway
    now SOLIDIFY, which is very capable of automatically converting Meshes
    (even most not so perfect ones) to proper ACIS Solids.

  • Thanks, I was trying to make surfaces and stitch them but was missing the RULESUF stage. This is the best solution for me, but other options work too. All answers are much appreciated.