Hatch dialog box

When I create a hatch, I don't want the dialog box to open, but instead I want the options to appear on the ribbon at the top. Is there a command to modify this setting?

Thank you


  • I think you will find this is context sensitive Ribbon, which isn't currently available in Bricscad.

  • David is right, there are no such a contextual ribbon panels in BricsCAD, you can use a dialog or a command line version of command: -HATCH.

  • I use a custom command-line version of the hatch command (HH, attached) that automatically moves the new hatch to the back in draworder and leaves it selected. After issuing HH, I either pick a point inside the hatch boundary or use the S option to select entities to form the boundary. Then I use a custom reverse Matchprop command (IP, attached) to copy the properties of the new (and automatically selected) hatch from an existing hatch entity. If no existing hatch has the right properties, I set its properties via the Properties bar.

  • Basilisgg
    edited January 15

    I found that quickhatchin the Quad works good for me. However the Quickhatch command in the Ribbon was not working the same way.

    I was able to change the command to "^c^c_-hatch;_s;;" and now it works for me.

    It does not open the options in the ribbon, however it just hatches the selected Polylines without a window popping up.

    At the same time I use the on-start.lsp with

    (SETVAR "HPNAME" "solid")

    So that the default Hatch is solid.