SSName won't work


I have code it work in AutoCAD but when I am trying to run in BricsCAD it not working.

(setq pickpt (last (last (ssname ss 0))))

Any suggestion


  • Hello.

    The code might not be complete.

    (ssname ...) returns an entity name.

    (last ...) requires a list as argument.
    When used with an entity name, it will trigger an error in both Bricscad and Autocad.

  •  (setq ss (ssget ":S"))

    (if (/= ss nil)
    (setq ent (ssname ss 0)
    pickpt (last (last (car (ssname ss 0)))))
    (setq sel ss)
    (repeat (setq idx (sslength sel))
    (setq enx (entget (ssname sel (setq idx (1- idx))))
    sph (cdr (assoc 10 enx)) ;Start point of line
    eph (cdr (assoc 11 enx)) ;End point of line
    ) ;Repeat
    (setq BLen (distance sph eph))
    (setq eph1 eph)
    (setq sph1 sph)
    (if (> (distance sph pickpt) (distance pickpt eph))
    (setq sph eph1)
    (setq eph sph1) )
    ) ))

  • Hello.

    Thank you for posting a larger sequence of code.
    However, I was referring to the specific use of (last) - I thought there was something missing there.

    (car) doesn't work either with an entity name, it also requires a list as argument.

    If the purpose is to get the coordinates of the last point input in the drawing, then you could use the LASTPOINT system variable.
    For instance:
    (setq pickpt (getvar 'lastpoint))

  • A ssname does not have a pick point, rather its a entity, so depending on the entity you can get various Point properties, start, end, insertionpoint and so on. Explain what point your after with relation to an object.

  • TorstenMoses
    edited October 2024

    Dear @AvinashPatil

    seems, for your code, you copied + adjusted it from other code using (entsel) ? 😉

    As (entsel) returns a list (ENAME POINT)

    : (entsel)
    Select entity: (<Entity name: 66674910> (2219.78545011787 923.283289942553 0.0))

    Alan & Virgil explained that (ssname …) returns an ENAME, not a list …

    And your code can not + does not work in AutoCAD :

    Command: (setq ss (ssget))

    Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found

    Select objects: <Selection set: 5>

    Command: (setq pickpt (last (last (ssname ss 0))))
    ; error: bad argument type: listp <Entity name: 275d20e25e0>

    many greetings !