Thank you for your replies. Uploaded a sample file (saved as XLS as this forum doesn't allow CSV uploads). Imported into BricsCAD as "NameENZD (comma delimited)"
Am running BricsCAD Pro and tried CIVILPOINTS — when attempting to group with CIVILPOINTSGROUP by Raw Description (color), it returns no points. When attempting to group by Name, it returns all points in the selection regardless of Name match.
Edit: to make things weirder, if I filter for "does not contain" for either Name or Raw description, it does return all other points that don't fit a given name or color- but that's not particularly useful.

I have thousands of points imported from CSV into my DWG. I imported them with a Name attribute, as they need to be color coded according to the variable in the Name. Name is the only variable selected in the property window when I type SELECTSIMILAR > SE, however when I SELECTSIMILAR on any of the imported points, all imported points are selected regardless of what their name attribute contains.
I've also deselected all options in the SE property window with the same results- it still selects everything. Points only don't get selected if they're on a different layer, even though the layer option is deselected in the SELECTSIMILAR > SE properties window.
Is there some other variable setting driving what SELECTSIMILAR filters for similarity, or is this a bug that needs to be submitted for?
I would go back a step and look at improving your import points, yes that is built in to many programs to do what you want layer etc by point name.
You can read say a CSV get XYZ and name then use a look up for the "name" so put on correct layer or set color.
Post a sample file with a few points don't need thousands.
In civil software the reading of points would include stringing points by name.
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If you have BricsCAD Pro or greater, then I would investigate using CIVILPOINTs. These entities include the option to for grouping.
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Thank you for your replies. Uploaded a sample file (saved as XLS as this forum doesn't allow CSV uploads). Imported into BricsCAD as "NameENZD (comma delimited)"
Am running BricsCAD Pro and tried CIVILPOINTS — when attempting to group with CIVILPOINTSGROUP by Raw Description (color), it returns no points. When attempting to group by Name, it returns all points in the selection regardless of Name match.
Edit: to make things weirder, if I filter for "does not contain" for either Name or Raw description, it does return all other points that don't fit a given name or color- but that's not particularly useful.
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Using DATAEXTRACTION on these points, I've found that each point contains two Name fields— All points contain a Name field populated with "BsysCvDbPoint" which seems to be what SELECTSIMILAR is picking up, as well as my Name field that I attribute on import. I suppose that answers why all points are selected when I SELECTSIMILAR with the Name filter on, but it doesn't get me closer to a solution to this issue
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1st step is rearrange the excel file new Column A has 1 2 3 etc for point number, column B moved to column F, Column B removed.
Using the civil points is way to go but need to make a library of the point descriptions so point properties are set correct so need an entry for each color.
I use CIVIL SITE DESIGN under Bricscad so have not used CIVILPOINTS. It has a point Library that you fill in.
Some one may explain more how to set up Civilpoints. Found this will explore more. Yes got points in using PENZD, need to work out filters.
Anyway try this
(defun imppts ( / lst plst col)
; thanks Lee-mac for this defun
(defun csv->lst ( str / pos )
(if (setq pos (vl-string-position 44 str))
(cons (substr str 1 pos) (csv->lst (substr str (+ pos 2))))
(list str)
)(setq lst '())
(setq fo (open (setq csv (getfiled "Select CSV File" "" "csv" 16)) "R"))
(while (setq nline (read-line fo))
(setq Plst (csv->lst nline))
((= (nth 4 plst) "Yellow")(setq col 2))
((= (nth 4 plst) "Pink")(setq col 211))
((= (nth 4 plst) "Orange")(setq col 32))
((= (nth 4 plst) "Black")(setq col 250))
(command "point" (list (atof (nth 1 plst))(atof (nth 2 plst))))
(command "chprop" (entlast) "" "C" col "")
)(close fo)
(imppts)0 -
Attach a sample drawing created in BricsCAD V24.2.07 using the spreadsheet you provided. On the drawing I've:
- Imported the spreadsheet (converted to .CSV) using the CIVILPOINTS command.
- In the Civil Explorer created point groupings based on filtering the Raw description & Name.
- Using DATAEXTRACTION created a TABLE with a datalink that lists the CIVILPOINTS on the drawing. If you delete or copy some of the CIVILPOINTS you can use DATALINKUPATE to update the table details.
- Using DATAEXTRACTION created a data extraction definition file (.DXD) that you can use to extract the CIVILPOINT details out to a spreadsheet. To use you run -DATAEXTRACTION, then select the "PV Array Civilpoints Dataextract.dxd" file. This should generate a .xlsx spreadsheet.
Something to be aware of with Civil point groups is that the filter text is case sensitive. Potentially this may explain why your groups didn't work as expected.
A nice feature of Civilpoint settings (import format, symbol styles, label styles, groups) is that they are saved with the drawing file. This means that once you've set them up you save the drawing as a template to use with future drawings. As groups can be based around a filter you should find that future Civilpoints imports based on the same structure will automatically be sorted into your pre-defined groups.