v25 on Apple Silicon?

The release notes seem to say it's only x64, is it still the case there's no ARM version for Mac?


  • Unfortunately - Yes.

  • I un-installed V25 from my M1 mini I use as a testbed. I give up on BricsCad for the Mac platform. I will need to keep a PC in my office. I will say that ARES Commander is M1 native and runs very well with no issues at all. I have a perpetual license for that and use Commander 2024.

  • From time to time Bricscad on Mac freezes for me in random situations.
    At one time with the last Beta I had crashes and freezing in a row,
    could never even close it regularly. Somehow that strange behavior
    ended 2 days later. Just usual freezing from time to time.

    I did not do a lot, but so far V25 official feels more stable to me (?)
    I can do things like open and edit a blank file, quitting Bricscad
    without saving and it closes normally without force quit needed.
    If it stay like that, I'll be happy.

    I think with Sequoia 15.1 release (monday ?) I will quit macOS
    Public Beta, to not risk extra incompatibilities and as a EU citizen
    not getting any new Apple (AI) features anyway :)

  • The random crashes and lost work with v24 on my Mac Studio have been frustrating, but running BricsCAD by dual-booting Windows 10 on my 2013 Mac Pro has been problem free.

    I like the sheet metal tools in BricsCAD, I don't like the instability.