Activation Error (Error -17)

The company I work for has purchased a perpetual network licence with 2 seats and we're having an issue getting the client computers to connect to the license.

Brics CAD has been installed on the server as a test and can read the license so it seems its a 'connection to the server' issue.

We are in contact with support but due to time differences etc its a one reply a day kind of thing so it's slow moving..

So the things we have went over and confirmed are:

  1. The laptop can communicate with the server using port 5053 as required by the TCP/UDP protocol.
  2. Is on the same LAN network as the server.
  3. Has access to ports 5053 for the license broadcast, 5054 for web UI and a dynamically allocated port by the OS which can be read on the RLM web UI > Status > Port (these were informed to us by support).
  4. The firewall and antivirus software has been given permission to allow BricsCAD and the RLM.exe through both ways.

Is there anything else that can be tried as I wait for a response from the Support team?

Thanks in advance.