Convert lsp to fas

Dear all,

Is there anyway to convert/compile lsp file to fas file from Bricscad pro 2022 ? The compile command is not available.

How can I handle it ?

Thanks for your help


  • Hello.

    Fas files cannot be created in Bricscad.
    However, there is another solution to encrypt lisp files - DEScoder.
    DEScoder creates encrypted lisp files with the extension .des
    These .des files can be used only in Bricscad.

    The next link points to a page containing more information on this topic.

  • You can via lisp compile multiple lsp files in one go to individual compiled files. Either FAS or DES depending on which software you are using.

    Acad example

    ; must have vlide open to work
    (vla-sendcommand (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) "Vlide")
    (setq loads (list
    " 3d pts on face 4"

    lots of lsp file names

    (setq loc1 "C:\\lisp-CAD-TOOLS\") ;;change dirs to where ever you want them found
    (setq loc2 "D:\\lisp-\\compile\\") ;;change dirs to where ever you want them saved
    (foreach lisp loads
    (vlisp-compile 'st (strcat loc1 lisp ".lsp") (strcat loc2 lisp ".fas"))

    Another 1 file

    (defun comp ( )
    (if (null vlisp-compile) (c:vlide T))
    (setq fname (getfiled "Pick lisp to be compiled" "" "lsp" 8))
    (setq len (strlen fname))
    (setq diff (- len (+ 15 3)))
    (setq fnameout (substr fname 15 diff))
    (vlisp-compile 'st fname (strcat "d:\\compiled\" fnameout ".fas"))

    Now where did I put my des version.
