Mac, Backup, Recovery

Dear Mac Users,

can somebody help me, how this backup system works on a Mac?

the standard procedure I know on windows

  1. Where is the backup folder (Savefilepath)
  2. what is the name of the file?
  3. how can I restore the file?
  4. how can I do this manually if there is no information at all in the drawing recovery manager.

Savetime is set to 6 minutes. (is this an automated resave of the file in the original location?)



    1. you can set save file path as you like in Bricscad Settings.

    I have it local in my user folder because of the faster SSD. I have a Backup Folder with Subfolders for all my 3D and CAD Apps. So I clean up from time to time easier.

    2. It is the Filename + some random things, so it will not sort by date from the file name. Looks like I have some *.bak as well as sone *.SV$ files. No clue which is the actual Backup …..

    3. AFAIK there is some recovery manager in Bricscad and/or there will appear a panel when you open such a file after Bricscad crashed.

    4. I do not really know how the recovery manager works. Like for any CAD/3D App, I try to open the file first, if I miss something, I go to the Backup Folder and open these files to see if they contain more (usually not), if yes, I would save overwrite my original file with that backup file.

  • You can rename the Bak and Sv$ to dwg. It is best to rename it and check is it useful before saving over original name. Here is a cleanup lisp looks for certain files and deletes them.


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