
I have just created a reflected ceiling plan andI realized it is generated in the drawing as "mirrored" : I am now correcting the orientation by changin x scale parameter to -1.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a setting I am missing that I can change to have the same origntation with the plan ?




  • Hi Luca,

    A reflected ceiling plan is a mirrored plan compared to a sectionplane looking up. Not sure what you result is. A reflected ceiling plan, you should be able to put in on top of a regular floorplan.

    If you want to generate a section drawing looking up to the ceiling, you can use a regular section and change the direction.

  • Hallo

    the problem is the reflected ceiling plan is now being generated mirrored: meaning it cannot be overlapped wihtout mirroring the block.

    this is not usual behavior, correct ?


  • Correct,

    Reflected ceiling plan should generate so you can put it on top of a normal floor plan.

    You can use a (copy of) a regular floorplan, change direction and set it as reflected ceiling plan.

    See short screenrecording in attachment.

  • Thanks ! I will try the same