Getting inside the CIV3D cogo point
I have no problems opening the CIV3D database in CIV3D, the question was posted here about getting COGO point information, to get what is required need to get into the "points" section of the database. In CIV3D can use a read registry. I also have a older version that uses the correct database number. Where appstr is the required number eg 2020 appstr= "13.0" you should be able to see the number in CIV3D using "About"
(cond (AeccDoc)
((setq AeccDoc
(cond (AeccApp)
((setq AeccApp
(cond (Acad)
((setq Acad (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(strcat "AeccXUiLand.AeccApplication." appstr)
But this fails for any appstr number. Any body have any ideas ?
I tried to log into Bricsys for support but login keeps failing despite resetting password.