How to purposely to make block uneditable and unexplodable?

How do i make block uneditable either using block edit or ref edit or make it missing and loss from drawing explorer?
How do i turn it to become unexplodable or explode into nothings, coz drawing explorer can turn-on back the cannot explode section?

I would like the drawing to be can give to others company to be use only for reference only.


  • Hello.

    There is no way to permanently disable block editing.
    To temporarily prevent block editing, the BLOCKEDITLOCK system variable should be set to 1.

    To make the block unexplodable, edit the block and set the Explodable property to No.

  • You can only look at your contract what it contains regarding CopyRite objects. A pdf is a bit secure but at end of day a user can recreate a block.