Peoblem with 3D treads
Hello everyone,
First of all I apologize for my English.
I want to thank in advance for all the help and patience.
I am working on a 3D drawing where an M10 thread should be added.
When I try to insert ready-made threads from the library, then does not turn out as I have expected.
Wondering if there is a good way to show threads in 3D drawings.
Is there any good guide to it?
Sincerely, Adnan
Hi Adnan
Threads are usually cut during the manufacturing process with thread cutting tools. So there is no reason to depict them or include an actual thread in a solid model. The threads depicted on Bricscad standard parts are not an actual thread with a pitch but are just concentric grooves to look like a thread.Also..standard parts are parametric in order to enable editing to size etc. Bolts can be inserted without the threads shown to save on file size. Settings allow for thread depiction or no thread.
To insert a standard m10 bolt and subtract it from your model you must first explode the standard part once, which loses the parametric feature but allows this to be subtracted from your model and depict an internal thread for instance.Once again this is just a fancy depiction…not an actual thread which is functional.
To edit standard fasteners first pick (highlight with grips) the part and go to the Properties panel and scroll down to the bolt parameters and edit the size from there and length etc.
Then explode the bolt (only once) and insert it in the desired location and subtract from the model.
I hope this helps