Lisp to set current text style and insert not working with annotative text
I was hoping someone could explain why the below lisp does not work correctly in Brics with annotative text styles or suggest an alternative. (works fine in Acad)
(command "DTEXT" "S" "aLEROY_80")
The text style is annotative. In brics if I am in model space and click my tool bar that executes this then start typing… the text appears at its paper space size. After I hit Enter it changes to is correct model space size. This is obviously not ideal.
If I am in paper space, then in a model Viewport it works fine.
note that if I simply set the current style then the Dtext command it works fine too, but I need code the sets the style and starts the dtext command from a button.
As soon as I posted this I thought of another method. Typical. :( but got it working now . I couldn't see how I could just delete my post though