Google Earth Import/Export
I noted an item in the readme related to Google Earth import export (using KML/KMZ).
Google Earth
We have supported both exporting and importing Google Earth KML/KMZ files.
I can't seem to find it in the ribbon.
Support of KML/KMZ files was added to the GISIMPORT/GISEXPORT commands in the upcoming V25.2.01, these commands are availiable on the Home Ribbon tab in Civil workspace:
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Thanks for this.
I was expecting it to be a separate command to 'GIS'. Will have a play!
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Hi and thanks for that update.
I have 3 questions:
- is there a documantaion for those commands (import/export) on how to use them?
- do the import command do "on the fly" coordinate convertion from the source KML to the current drawing coordinate system?
- when the V25.2.01 will be release?
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Hi, @aridzv
- There are Help articles about GISIMPORT/GISEXPORT commands, but they don't mention yet KML/KMZ files.
- Coordinate conversion will be enabled in the GIS Import dialog box in V25.2.
- We don't publicly communicate target release dates. But we have a beta running right now and you can register for that here The release can then be expected shortly after the beta program closes for that release.