Google Earth Import/Export

I noted an item in the readme related to Google Earth import export (using KML/KMZ).

Google Earth

We have supported both exporting and importing Google Earth KML/KMZ files.

I can't seem to find it in the ribbon.


  • Support of KML/KMZ files was added to the GISIMPORT/GISEXPORT commands in the upcoming V25.2.01, these commands are availiable on the Home Ribbon tab in Civil workspace:

  • Thanks for this.

    I was expecting it to be a separate command to 'GIS'. Will have a play!

  • @Lyubov Osina

    Hi and thanks for that update.

    I have 3 questions:

    1. is there a documantaion for those commands (import/export) on how to use them?
    2. do the import command do "on the fly" coordinate convertion from the source KML to the current drawing coordinate system?
    3. when the V25.2.01 will be release?



  • Hi, @aridzv

    1. There are Help articles about GISIMPORT/GISEXPORT commands, but they don't mention yet KML/KMZ files.
    2. Coordinate conversion will be enabled in the GIS Import dialog box in V25.2.
    3. We don't publicly communicate target release dates. But we have a beta running right now and you can register for that here The release can then be expected shortly after the beta program closes for that release.