Problems with Layer panel. Unusable

V 25.1.07

What on earth is going on with this layer panel? Severe lag when scrolling, layer list disappears when scrolling too far down, scroll back up and only one of several hundred xref'd layers is listed UNTIL I resize the window.

This alone is making BricsCAD unusable for me. It's as if the Layer panel is now some super-memory heavy skin that represents incomplete information without any warning like a crappy website.

Is there an old version with a more rudimentary layer dialog? When I click the "Layer Explorer" button, this dialog called "Drawing Explorer" comes up and at least it's more old school and responsive. Can't seem to find a command to call the Layers portion of it though.

Any ideas? Old version of BricsCAD without the newfangled version of a Layers panel?


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  • edited March 1

    Personally I never use the Layers Panel.
    Preferred here is the Drawing Explorer / Layers with it's preview window.
    As a work-around, I've customized the menu's "Layers" Toolbar Button replacing the command "LayersPanelOpen" with "explayers" (Command: "^c^c_explayers")

  • Oh, modeless panels. I hate 'em in both cad flavors.

    One of the issues is they apply changes immediately, rather than grouping changes to the ok button of modal dialogs. My answer is open them when needed and close after. I live and die by Ctrl-1 for properties open and close.

    I use all "classic" dialogs in acad and close all in bcad so I don't get over-chatter as they try to update while I'm working.

  • Problems with Layer panel. Unusable

    Yes, I can confirm this; I have the same problems.
    Closing the Layer Manager, opening it again, changing the layer filter, adjusting the Xref layer display—it's a combination of many settings, and then it works again until the issue reappears.

    I haven't figured it out yet; it's just time-consuming and distracting from work.

  • Did you try the legacy layer panel?

  • Legacy Layers Panel is no longer available on V25 as far as I know.

  • You are correct, I use the default one and hadn't noticed it was gone in V25.

  • Knowing nothing else, like which year of BricsCAD is better or worse for a given issue, I rolled the dice on V21.something and the problem doesn't exist there, so that's what I've been using in order to work. Way better interface layout than V25, which wastes vast swaths of pixels as if it's a bad website or handheld touchscreen.

    Seems like V25 has gone off the rails like Rhino 8.


  • It probably depends on what you are using BricsCAD for, I'm mostly on V23 because of 2 bugs introduced in V24 that made it unusable for me, one solved at some point and the other continuing in V25 unless I use a workaround by leaving some of the required information out of tables.

    That being said, there are some user interface and probably internal code changes since V23 that seem to be a step backwards when it comes to efficiency/usability.

    A car analogy, apparently car makers tend to test dashboard switches on their own and do not keep in mind how drivers use those switches, so they may not be placed in a logical grouping but too far apart which leads to users complaining about how cumbersome the dashboard layout is.

    It seems that BricsCAD is suffering in a similar way because of putting an ever increasing amount of new functionality into BricsCAD causing both code conflicts and user interface design decisions that are not working out well for the end user and are missed during the testing phase until a lot more people start using the new version.


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