Moving entities

I'm trying to move entities from one point to another by selecting the base point and then pull the cursor to the pretended direction and then giving it the value of the distance pretended, while on ortho mode. I used to do this in Autocad and it worked fine.Is there any way to perform this action like this in Icad?Thanks


  • Perhaps a BricsCad tech person can answer this more accurately, but ... If I understand you correctly, you are talking about AutoCAD's "Object Snap Tracking" or OTRACK. This was new for AutoCAD2000 (or was it 2002?), but does not exist in ICAD v3. From what I've gathered, it does exist in v4 of ICAD, due this month from BricsCad. I believe it's called "Fly-Over Snapping" in ICAD.See ""-- Rob

  • I think he is referring to direct distance entry using the mouse to give direction. Works in Icad only with dragmode=off.

  • Yes this is very annoying. I hope that in version 4 this feature is available in dragmode=auto mode.

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