I don't know what "Sheet List tab" means, and can't find it in the online help. So I don't know what you mean by a drawing in the Sheet List tab. I also don't know what Autocad's Sheet Set Manager does, and didn't get much help from a Google search for that term.
I understand that the geometry in the Model tab of the file that you're calling the model is xref'd into the Model tab of each of the files that you're calling drawings. Right? But you say you're not able to edit the xref by double-clicking on it. You should be able to do that, unless the source file is already being edited by someone else. Or maybe if the xref is on a locked layer or something. It should be just like editing a block by double-clicking. If the source file is already being edited, you should get an error message saying that.
There may be other restrictions on xref editing that I don't know about. Maybe other forum users can fill in on that, but I think it would be helpful to use standard vocabulary.
Models in SSM
Hi everyone, first post so please be gentle LOL.
I have been using Autodesk products for years, but my employer is now moving to BricsCAD; I am going to be running the transition, but I've never used the software.
My first query is Sheet Set Manager - I can see that we are able to open a drawing by double-clicking it, but that doesn't seem to work with models. Am I missing something?
Not really sure of what you're asking, but every Autocad/Bricscad drawing file (.dwg file) has a Model tab, where you can create 2D or 3D geometry, and at least one Layout tab, where you can create 2D geometry and/or 2D views of the geometry in the Model tab. When you open a file, it shows whichever tab was active when the file was last saved. If you see a Layout tab when you open a file, you just have to change to the Model tab in order to see the whole model.
The Publish command allows you to save a "sheet list." That's a list of Model and/or Layout tabs, in one or more .dwg files, that can be printed all at once with the Publish command.
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Hi Anthony, thank you for your comment.
It's not the Model/Layout tabs that I'm querying - I understand how they work, and I apologise for my lack of explanation.
Our drawings are separate from our models.
The drawings contain the border in the Layout tab, and all design models are referenced into the Model space of those drawings. There is nothing live in the Model space, just xrefs.
All of our models and drawings are opened using Sheet Set Manager (in Civil 3D), rather than through Windows Explorer. Basically, we treat SSM like a vault, or a document management system. By doing it this way, we only need to type in the client details, project details, etc., into the SSM properties, and, using fields in the drawing templates, the information is brought into the drawing border automatically. Does that make sense?
To open a model or drawing in SSM, we can simply double-click it (or we can right-click to open read-only).
In BricsCAD, we can double-click a drawing in the Sheet List tab, but we cannot seem to double-click a model in the Model tab.0 -
I don't know what "Sheet List tab" means, and can't find it in the online help. So I don't know what you mean by a drawing in the Sheet List tab. I also don't know what Autocad's Sheet Set Manager does, and didn't get much help from a Google search for that term.
I understand that the geometry in the Model tab of the file that you're calling the model is xref'd into the Model tab of each of the files that you're calling drawings. Right? But you say you're not able to edit the xref by double-clicking on it. You should be able to do that, unless the source file is already being edited by someone else. Or maybe if the xref is on a locked layer or something. It should be just like editing a block by double-clicking. If the source file is already being edited, you should get an error message saying that.
There may be other restrictions on xref editing that I don't know about. Maybe other forum users can fill in on that, but I think it would be helpful to use standard vocabulary.
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Just some comments as a CIV3D user we used layouts and a single dwg as an example one project 88 layouts it had in Model the plan details only, where as in layouts the plan views large scale, the long section with matching plan view was on multiple layouts, the cross section again multiple layouts not in Model !! Drainage longs in layouts and so on.
I know some people like there longs sections and cross sections in model again not a problem just open a viewport and select correct area of dwg.
We had numerous update title blocks lisps, could fill in client details etc etc in one title block it would then be copied to all layouts. Renumber and rename layouts, press one button and go to printer and get plots no user input required.
I am not sure why you multiple dwgs rather than say one.
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Hi Anthony,
Thank you again for your reply.
Our designs are done in a 2D or 3D model.
That model is then referenced into a drawing file, but into the model tab of that drawing file.
In the Layout (paper) space is the drawing border, legend, etc.
In Sheet Set Manager, there are three tabs. The Model views list all the models:The Sheet List lists all the drawings:
In C3D, if we want to open a model or a drawing, we can simply double-click it, regardless of which of the above two tabs it is in.
In Sheet Set Manager of BricsCAD, we can only double-click a drawing to open it. Double-clicking a model has no effect.0 -
Hi Alan, thanks for your reply.
I did that in a previous company, and it worked well.With this company, we have to reference numerous models into a drawing, which is why we only use one Layout tab per drawing.
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I see now that there is something equivalent to Autocad's SSM, which Bricscad Online Help calls "Sheet Sets panel." The instructions for it say that you can use it to open the .dwg file that contains the Layout where a particular sheet was drawn, apparently by selecting the name of that sheet from the Sheet List. But I don't see anything in the instructions about opening a .dwg file that has none of the listed sheets, and only has the original geometry of a model.
Still, if you want to edit an externally-referenced model, you can do that by opening any .dwg file that externally references it, and then double-clicking on the xref itself (not on the name of the model in a list). You can do that either in the Model tab or in a Viewport on a Layout tab. And only if someone else isn't already editing it, of course.
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You may want to visit the JTB World website if they have a plug-in that might solve your issue though not all plug-ins may be available for BricsCAD.
Just tried the SSM in V25.2.03, in the SSM there are three tabs, Sheet list, Category views and Model views.
In the latter tab you can specify the locations of the models by clicking on "+ Add new location" and then from that tab you can open the models files by double clicking or right-click and select "open" or "open read-only"0