Publish keeps wanting to load layouts
This is for Brics Mechanical V25.2.03. When starting Publish it defaults to loading model and layouts of active drawings. How do you set it to load just model space initially? I tried the pull down menu and set to model only but it won't hold the setting when I open publish again.
Yes, I observe the same behavior, it's wrong. Also Layouts are not removed from the sheet list, when only Model is chosen. There is a development task to resolve this problem, you can add a value to it creating a Support Request about the problem.
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Thanks Lyubov, I sent a support request also.
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Hi Tim, my judgment about the current behavior as wrong was hasty. It seems that changed behavior is intentionall, there is a new explanation from developers in the mentioned task about it:
1. The combo controls adding sheets, not filtering the current list. This is the same as in Acad and was done because filtering approach caused ambiguity issues.
2. It controls adding sheets both from open drawings (in case if according checkbox is on) and from other drawings.
(Note, it does not control loading sheets from DSD - in this case all sheets are loaded.)"Model & Layouts" is always set on start the dialog to avoid the need to reopen the dialog.
I beg pardon for misleading!
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Thanks Lyubov no worries, got the explanation from support. I'll just have to get use to it not that big of a deal really.
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Maybe I am missing something, is there a way to set the publish dialog to only load layouts as the default setting? I searched but could not find it in the settings.
When I open a set of assembly drawings and want to publish it it automatically loads model and layouts and then I have to remove all the model spaces. Every time if there is no DSD, or when the DSD has to be updated. This may be a small nuisance if you routinely publish from one drawing file, but it is a timewaster when having to publish from multiple drawing files.
Apparently there is no way to add only layouts from already open drawings, setting it to layouts only, close and reopen publish adds model and layouts again. Open publish and remove all model and layouts (faster than hunting down models) and then trying to load only layouts doesn't seem to be possible. Argh.
A workaround could be to first open the first drawing and then invoke publish, remove the model space, set the section to layouts only, add sheets and then select the other drawings so that only layouts get loaded.
Imagine having a working set that contains all project drawings which will open all at once, then this won't work and I'm back to square one having to remove all model spaces from the publish.
If there is no way to set the default of publish to only load layouts through settings somewhere (without having to create a lisp command or other convoluted way of doing things) then this is just a plain counterproductive "improvement" causing unnecessary extra clicks etc.