Version 25.2.03-1 Layer Control not updating when selecting an object?
Running the latest version.
When I select an object, the Layer Control (telling me what layer I'm on in the ribbon) doesn't update? It stays on the current layer. Color and line-type do get updated to the value of the selected object.
Something wrong with my installation or are more people experiencing this behaviour?
Also it isn't possible to assign objects to the current layer with the Layer Control in the Ribbon.
Confirmed, it is evidently a bug, I noticed similar problems in previous releases.
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Same here, I think I reported this one as a bug in an earlier version.
Just reported the bug. Last time it was also 'available' in version 24.2.01 beta.
Too bad same errors return with different builds. Hope they fix this one soon, it was annoying in the beta, and also is in the stable release.
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Similar situation is in status bar, only properties panel works OK.
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same here.
ribbon & tool bar layer control don't update.
layer & properties panels works O.K.
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I concur with Layer Control Update issue.
"Also it isn't possible to assign objects to the current layer with the Layer Control in the Ribbon."
Check out "laycur" command.
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for me "laycur" work fine both from the ribbon and the command line.
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Thanks, but this is just a workaround for now. When I have entities selected on layer X I cannot move them to the currrent layer in the Layer Control in the Ribbon, the objects don't adapt that layer that I assign them to. Has to do with the other error I guess. They change to any other layer, but not the layer that is mentioned as the current layer in the Layer Control panel in the Ribbon.
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As responded by the Bricsys Team:
Hello Joris,
I can reproduce it in v25.2.03.
This bug was fixed and the Layer Control works correctly in our internal version. The fix will be available in one of the coming official releases.You will be able to find this support request when the fix is mentioned in the release notes.
Best regards,
MadalinLet's hope the next official release that contains the fix is in the near future.
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Same here. Just downloaded version 25.2.03 (an update from 25.1.07). In version 24 it worked well.
Can't believe that after an "update" they make this type of bug. I think I will downgrade back to 24.1.07.
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I have also sent a support request regarding this issue and this is the reply I got:
"We are aware of this behavior and have fixed it internally. We are sorry for the inconvenience. I added this support request number to the task. When the development publishes the solution in a future release, this support request number will be mentioned in the release notes and you will receive notifications.
I found that when the Properties panel is closed, the Layer control gets updated correctly. You can consider this as a workaround while waiting for the fix." - this is interesting and it works this way so if anyone can consider this as a temporarily solution, you can.
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Thanx for the tip Kresimir. Not a solution for me at the moment, because the properties panel is sort of a lifeline in my workflow. Maybe I should get used to doing al the properties in the panel and nog longer in the ribbon 😁
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Totally agree with @Kresimir Bedenikovic
There are more issues with V25.3.02,not just this one.
I went back to V25.1.07 and the it looks like it is probably the last bricscad version for me...
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I noticed that if you want to change object layer using ribbon layer control or status bar, in fact you can do it, however it is not reflected in neither of this windows (they are not updated, but object layer is changed).