Import menu erases entire Menu Tree

Press Tools>Customize>import. Select mnu file (for example Bonuspop.mnu). The entire previously existing Menu tree disappears. This happens in all attempts to imort any mnu files (successfully imported in version 3.x).


  • Before importing menus, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts or command aliases make sure that the APPEND TO EXISTING ... option is checked, otherwise the imported definitions will replace the existing ones.

  • The existing menu tree is replaces because the 'append to current menu' checkbox is set to off (left bottom corner of the import dialog).When going from Icad 2.x to 3.x we changed the default setting for the checkbox to 'on'. Now in Icad 4.x we notice someone changed the default back to 'off'. We will change it again to 'on', because we feel that's how it should be.

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