Long names in Explorer

We have found a very serious problem probably in all versions of BricsCAD IntelliCAD 4 (we have tested version 4.0.0033 and later) both English and Czech versions. IntelliCAD 4 should allow to use a long names of layers, dimension styles, font styles and so on - up to 255 characters. But using of longer names (longer than ten characters !!!!) causes uncompromising collapse of BricsCad IntelliCAD. Sometimes Windows dialog box appears with the message (translated form Czech) Program is performing an invalid operation and have to be terminated, sometimes BricsCad IntelliCAD fall down without any warning. We have tested the using of long names also in Cadopia IntelliCAD and Intersoft IntelliCAD and no problems appear in these IntelliCAD versions!!! It is a problem of BricsCad IntelliCAD only!!! BricsCad talks and writes about themself that they are leading developer of IntelliCAD. It is not so easy to understand why precisely in their product such problems could be found. Try this:- Create new file - Open IntelliCad Explorer - Layers (for example) - Create new layer and enter the name AAAAAAAAAA (min 10 characters) - Create new layer and enter the name BBBBBBBBBB (min 10 characters) - Everything is OK? So create new layer CCCCCCCCCC (min 10 characters) - Everything is OK? So continue, IntelliCAD collapse is not so far.After the creating of several such layers IntelliCAD crash is inescapable. You can close IntelliCAD Explorer dialog box and try to save the file or create a new one and close it. You can open Explorer dialog box again to create new layers, IntelliCAD can fall down during any action. Using of longer names speed up occurrence of IntelliCAD collapse. We value your activities on IntelliCAD platform, we are sure you can create interesting end powerful programs and tools. But why don't you properly test what you develop? Please suspend temporarily your works on 3D modelling, quick rendering atc. as long as basic tools (drawing, dimensiong, drawing file organization atc.) will be without problems. That is what users need.


  • The problem was introduced in 4.0.0031 when BricsCad implemented a major performance improvement for the opening time of the IntelliCad explorer in case drawings contain many blocks. The error was not caught by our automated testing mechanism. We will add a new test that checks this problem. The fix for the code has already been implemented and a beta build will be released tomorrow.If you feel this is below standard just let us know.

  • Thank you for such quick solution. It could be a good example how to approach the problems. I would like you could similarly approach all other serious IntelliCAD problems.

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