Render problems

I don't know if anyone in the forum is using the render functions in Intellicad. I tried and I think that they are there for a marketing reason, they are not really usefull yet. The Qrender settings sometimes hangs my computer, the help is not very helpfull, the lack of libraries or LWA libraries from Lightworks and the lack of help for the solids commands, all makes the render functions useless. I would like to hear from Bricscad what are the plans for the future of 3D and Render in Intellicad. It will be great to have some software like Accurender for Intellicad Pro.regards, Marcelo


  • Marcelo,with IntelliCad we aim to offer dwg editing capabilities at a very affordable price.The license fee we pay to include Lightwork rendering is already considerable, compared to the price of the whole package. Including an Accurender license feewould mean that the bulk of what you pay for IntelliCad in fact is the rendering license.That may be acceptable for a few users, but we simply cannot afford to invest in creating software that is interesting for only a few customers.Hence we chose not to create such integrated version, Accurender still can be used independently with the dwg files. When including Lightwork rendering our goal is to offer an immediately available presentation quality image, not requiring expert rendering expertise, at an affordable price. If a high-end quality image is required, then a separate high end renderer must be acquired (like the full-blown Lightwork engine or Accurender or you-name-it...) Qrender in fact is a walkthru tool coming from our Architecturals product, and was created to walk through 3D-buildings. Hence it was not developed as a high-end renderer, but as a tool to check 3D models for consistency and to get an impression of what they will 'feel' like in reality.Users may have noticed that we improved Qrender a lot over the last year, and that we actively support it. The work on Qrender caused the helpfileto become somewhat outdated, it could indeed do with an update. If a crash is caused by Qrender, please let us know how it occurs and we'll be glad to fix it.Concerning 3D modeling: BricsCad has its roots in Architectural modeling, and as such created the BricsCad Architecturals application that runs on IntelliCad.That is partly why we were not a demanding party when it came to adding 3D solid modeling to IntelliCad, also we felt other more basic parts of the software could still do with improvement.Though we have been contributing corrections to the problems that exist with IntelliCad v4 solid modeling, it is not likely to become one of our priority items.Until now we've been working very hard on v4 problems with printing, display, psltscale, undo... the more down to earth stuff.Still, we need to mention that ITC has been further completing 3D modeling, to become equal (or better...) than AutoCAD modeling. Much of this work already has been done, it will be made available in future releases.

  • Hans, thank for your reply. I know that 3D modeling is not a top issue right now, there is a lot to fix in the 2D world. I know that if want a better render output from Intellicad a have to pay for it. As far as I know Accurender runs only inside Autocad as an add on, as an ARX application, and I don't know a product from Lightworks that works as a standalone application, I think they sell only the render engine. What I think it will be great is to have something like an Accurender for Intellicad.regards, Marcelo

  • I agree with Marcelo ( alo, colega - estou em Blumenau, SC ), see my post on this subject for one of the other Icad forums:"I downloaded and tested Rhino/Flamingo, and my opinion is:1. Interface is nice because it follows the well known windows standards ( unlike TrueSpace )2. Considering that I use Icad for modeling my buildings, and only need a software for rendering, it is a waste of money and time to learn how to use another modeling program and translating files from one to the other.3. The rendering seemed very slow, comparing to 3ds DOS version, or cinema4d demo version, for example.I also tested TrueSpace:1. I definitely dont like the interface.2. Again, considering that I use Icad for modeling my buildings, and only need a software for rendering, it is a waste of money and time to learn how to use another modeling program, and translating files from one to the other.Bottom line: What I really would like to see and buy and be able to use is Icad with a more advanced version of the Lightworks rendering engine that is already integrated in Icad since Visio´s Icad98. This is certainly possible, and I think would suit the needs of a lot of Icad users, even with the inevitable increase in the cost; it should be offered as a more advanced version, so people who dont need it wouldnt have to pay for it, as it already happens with solids support."Lightworks, or Accurender, it doesnt matter, the idea is something integrated in Icad, so you dont need to use other software, you can stay with your known interface, using the modelling done in Icad.Good news: I think that DaVinci ( a simplified version already comes with CMS Icad ) may become what we are looking for, see the post I received from them:"Dear Andre, I anticipate the next release of the rendering library will be this fall. It will incorporate the ability to select the output resolution as well as several major improvements in capabilities. Note that it already supports antialiasing. Regards,Gil CrouseDaVinci Technologies, Inc."Andre

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