Entity Properties dialog focus

Every user needs to change some text entities quite frequently. To change the text, in ICAD one has to doble click the text entity, which invokes the "Entity Properties" dialog box. Now, to change the text, it's necessary to click the "Text" field first. In ACAD, double click on a text entity invokes the tiny dialog (ddedit) where only the text is changed. The change of text is by far the most frequent change when modifying a text entity. Can ICAD either (1)set focus to the "Text" field immediately after opening the "Entity Properties" dialog box? Or (2) follow the ACAD pattern. I recommend option (1) as it seems to fit more to ICAD behaviour and should be introduced easily by one "if" command in ICAD.This is a trivial request, may seem negligible, but it's not. Large portion of potential ICAD users have personal experience with ACAD and every such difference in behaviour is a trouble for them.RegardsVaclav


  • WYSIWYG textediting in the drawing would be even nicer.

  • I think we should be as realistic as possible - there's no special need to introduce 'bonus' functionality which goes above typical level of ACAD - keeping in mind the inevitably limited capacity of developers teams.Personally, I still feel there's more to be done in ICAD's core functions (errors in 2D functions, dimensioning incompatibilities etc. reported earlier and more) than in 'top level' tools (solid modelling, render...). Every design company probably has (and keeps updated) several licences of ACAD which can be used if the task is beyond current ICAD capability. The opposite (using ACAD for ordinary 2D drawings just because of ICAD core errors) is clearly an economic nonsense.Regards,Vaclav

  • I totaly agree that text editing is the main thing one wants to do when double clicking a text entity. I have often been anoyed with the fact that this field doesn't have the primary focus in ICAD, as opposed to ACAD. It seems to me that this is an 'easy to fix' kind of problem that would make ICAD jet a bit more userfriendly...Regards,Luk

  • Agreed about setting the focus. It's simple and it saves clicking around. We'll do itregards, Alexander Van HeuverzwynBricscad

  • Hard to believe, but this trivial modification didn't make it to 4.1.0016 (though approved on 12.11.2003).Surely not a critical problem, I agree. Anyway, it gives some indication about surprisingly limited flexibility of the development process. Is the feedback from users of any value?For me, clearly the "worst improvement" in 4.1.0016.RegardsVaclav

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