printing problem, ver # 4.1.0009

1) print properties are not beeing saved. i need to re write them every print i do.2) printing to user defined long papers, on HP 1050 deskjet, do not work. once its looses all pen width, then next time it not printing at all..PLS your a.s.a.p answer.Thanx.


  • I had the same problems with printing settings but also with other options witch are just availible as Drawing settings. I solved it by creating a template drawing with all the printing settings, dimmension and text styles in it. Also with different layouts for all the papersizes I use. When I get a new drawing to work with I copy and paste it in the template and everything is there.

  • did you solve the PLT problem? i find it imposible to print PLT's that are not custom sizes, all line and color definition is lost. its a very urgent problem for me, i can not print my files...all my work is currently on hold !

  • you can plot virtually any paper sizes. For example I want to plt a scheet of 400 x 300 mm I just draw the a rectangle of 400 x 300 mm in paperspace. Then in the print dialog I select "Print Area" > "Windowed" > "Select Print Area". Snap to the corners of the rectangle. Now create a viewport of the same rectangle scale it like desired with zoom and plot.I hope I could help you a bit.

  • Rony, do you have problems on "user defined long papers" (your post 28.12.2003 9:49) or "PLT's that are not custom sizes" (your post 29.12.2003 11:03)?I have no problems printing to both custom size (on HP DesignJet 750c+) and standard A4/A3 sheets (on various HP LJ printers) - well, apart from the "ghosts" reported earlier (and, hopefully, fixed in the awaited next release?). However, some specific steps should be followed when printing:1. When printing to A4/A3 sheets, there's nothing special to be done in Printer setup - just select paper size and orientation.2. The custom paper sizes in our plotters can be defined/selected by two methods - while printing in ICAD or in advance through the "Printers" dialog. We had troubles in earlier 4.* ICAD versions with the "while printing" selections not being transferred to ICAD from the printer driver dialogs. Since then we predefine our custom sizes in "Printers" dialog as follows (right click on the plotter, then Properties):- We use roll 24" - must be selected in the driver- Typical custom paper sizes are ~900x609 (4x2A4),~1100x609 (5x2A4),~1300x609 (6x2A4). Please note the 609 mm height parameter - it's the size that prints the drawing frame correctly on 24" roll (may vary for other plotters). We predefine these sizes and save them as Custom1,2,3.- Later in ICAD print dialog, I just go to Printer setup, select the predefined custom size and that's it.3. I have found that ICAD ofter misinterprets the "Center on page" setting (on the "Advanced" tab), especially when the drawing comes from (or was opened/saved in) AutoCAD. If the Preview shows something wrong (or nothing at all), just change the status of this checkbox - it often helps.4. There are some minor bugs when printing, e.g. when printing several parts of drawing by "Select print area", you must scroll/zoom the display after each print to have snaps active - annoying but not critical (I reported this long time ago).5. ALWAYS check for "ghosts" in your plots (reported in separate thread)! We have already had several very frustrating moments when a drawing was discussed with a client and the ghosts were discovered only at that moment, making the author look/feel rather stupid :-((Well, maybe rather long text, but I hope you'll find something helpfull.Regards,Vaclav

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