Circles as polygons - revisited!

Hi folksI'm using v4.1.0016 and a quirk from the past seems to have reappeared - circles often appear as polygons in paperspace viewports and refuse to appear as circles no matter what combination of regen, redraw and shifting from paperspace to modelspace I try - tho they appear smooth in modelspace.It's drving me nuts - any help please?ThanksPhil BYork, UK


  • is this a bug or a feature?It is important that circles print and print preview as circles, but intellicad does support simplified displaying of curves.The VIEWRES command allows you to control the system variables ZOOMPERCENT and FASTZOOM.These affect the display but not the print output.Procedure:- new drawing - draw a circle in modelspace- go to pspace and create a viewport- viewres command; 'Yes' for fastzoom; '3' for resolution.- regenall. the circle shows as a polygonYou can achieve the same effect in modelspace, if you set viewres there as well(it's independent of pspace). But printing is not affectedIf you still have problems, please send a drawingAlexander Van Heuverzwyn, Bricscad

  • Do they print properly? I had it with CMS v4 (which was nowhere near as good as Bricscad) - circles printed as polygons from paper space. I reduced Windows video acceleration and they generated and printed properly, but then hidden lines printed continuous. I have no such problem with v4.1.0017.

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