Hatch stopped working

Hello,As I'm busily hatching away, making my drawing look great, all of a sudden, "bhatch" stopped working. I've purged, reloaded, re-booted, and still nothing works. All I get is "The area you have selected is invalid."What do I need to do?Ver. 4.1.0037.Vaughn Mc.


  • Vaughn,Ver 4.1.0040 has just been released and contains fixes for hatching, perhaps you want to give it a try?If the problem doesn't go away, could you please file a support request and attach a drawing in which bhatch no longer can be used? We will be glad to find out what goes wrong.Hans

  • Hans,Downloaded and installed 4.1.0040 - no difference in BHatch.I've filed a support request with the drawing.Thank you,VM

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