Ver 5: Plot a dashed line?

After about an hour's struggle with version 5 - - - How do I get a dashed line to plot as a dashed line?


  • If you mean to print the dashes as they are drawn, this can be achieved by setting the linetype in the ctb to 'object linetype'. Which is its default value. If you use the default.ctb file that is delivered, all entities are printed with their object linetype.If you mean to override the linetype with a ctb linetype, the printed linetype will override the original linetype but it will use the entity's linetype scale.At the moment, I have no idea where you are having problems. Can you describe in more detail?If you send us a drawing and ctb, we'll check it out.Alexander Van Heuverzwyn, BricsCad

  • Sander,Sorry to be so dense. I'm too busy to deal with this right now, and I don't know what a "CTB" file is. I use layers to designate line weights and linetype in ver. 4. Thanks. VM

  • Sander, et al,Having read what I wrote above, I want you people to know that I really, really appreciate the work you do. You make a lot of things possible for folks like me.Looking forward to having time in the future to dig into version 5.VM

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