ctrl Mouse button commands

How do you turn off the commands that rotates the view when holding down the Control button. This is a major pain for our office and we do not want it because it causes more problems for us.


  • Why should you like to turn this off? Do you want to apply another function to the Ctrl+Left mouse button combination?

  • our company is a civil engineering and surveying firm and does not use real time rotation. real time zoom and pan yes, but when using ctrl-shift mouse button to do this and miss pressing the shift key it ends up rotating the drawing and wastes our time and for some confuses them as to why the drawing look funny.We just want to turn it off. If we can't then can we define it as something else?

  • Intending to push Ctrl+Shif+Left mouse you're pushing Left mouse before Shift is pushed, I think. Be sure that you're pushing both Ctrl and Shift before the left mouse.Leif O.

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