Ver 5 : Menu - icm

Is there a limit to the number of entries for a menu ?I know that it is written to the windows directory. I tried to import a legitimate icad menu "*.icm" from a previous version, and I got a prompt saying it "is not a valid Bricscad menu file".So I exported the default menu under a new name, and tried to import it back. Invain.


  • No, there is no limit to the number of entries for a menu.I believe the problem you are experiencing is due to an error in the code. The .icm generated (via Export) by BricsCad V5 wrongly set the first string to [BricsCad Custom Menu File]; it should be [IntelliCAD Custom Menu File].When importing the routine checks if the first string matches; the test fails you are prompted that the file is not a valid Menu file.Thanks for reporting this. We'll fix it asap. In the meanwhile you can always edit your 'legitimate icad menu "*.icm" from a previous version' and make it truely legitimate by replacing BricsCad by IntelliCAD.

  • when you import the menu make sure that the name that you specify to import does not have the ".icm" in it.For example I have a "custom.icm" menu file, if i try to import it as "custom.icm" it will bomb out with the error message that you have. But if i Import the file as "custom" only and not include the ".icm" it will work.

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