menumacros, lang dimensions, printing fills, ...
We use IntelliCad on several seats and for several months now and are quit happy with it. The answers to these questions would be of help to us :- In menu-macro's how can one introduce a input with the mouse (In Acad this is done with a "\" (back-slash, but this does not work in Icad). - Some times, after stretching or scaling a dimensionline, the dimension becomes 89.8500000000000001 or 89.849999999999 in stead of 89.85, even if the setting is for 2 decimal places. How could this be avoided ?- Some times, some fills that are meant to print black, print shaded. This is for filled arrows of dimensions lines, filled hatches, or filled thick marks. Print colors of these elements are set to white. They are drawn in the same color as the diemenson lines themselves, who print black OK. Is there a work around this fenomenon ? - Whe want to learn more about programming in Icad. (Lisp, VBA,...). Does anybody know about good books or courses about this ? Any help would be appreciated.Marcel Lavreysen.